Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteer Sign Up 

NEAIR relies heavily on volunteers.  Throughout the year there are many ways for members to get involved and help make NEAIR the best organization possible to serve the needs of our members.

Volunteering is also a great networking and professional development opportunity!

Click on the link above to complete the Volunteer Sign Up form.  YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE!

Current Volunteer Opportunities:

Join a Standing CommitteeWe have a number of committees that work throughout the year to serve the needs of our members.  Click here for a description of the work of each committee. On the form, you can indicate your interest in any of the committees listed. Based on the goals set for 2024, the following committees have identified specific needs:

  • Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Social Justice (DEISJ) Committee is seeking additional members who are familiar with DEI concepts, are dedicated to survey analysis and follow-up steps, interested in policy development and/or developing the web presence of the committee's work.  
  • Finance Committee is seeking additional members who are familiar with budget information as well as an interest in taking meeting notes, and experience with Word, Excel, PPT, and Zoom.
  • Grants Committee is seeking additional members with grants/proposal writing and review experience and excellent communication skills (written, verbal, interpersonal).  Marketing/social media expertise is a plus.
  • Information, Governance, Research & Analytics (IGRA) Committee is seeking additional members with technical skills, a willingness to learn new software, and an interest in governance issues related to technology. Specific tasks for these roles will include website review and/or filling the role of Conference Mobile App Coordinator.
Future Volunteer Opportunities:

Be sure to check back here and watch for information in our weekly Need to Know and on social media for additional volunteer opportunities throughout the year.  These will include opportunities to review Annual Conference session proposals, serve as a mentor, and volunteer at the annual conference. 

Have other questions about volunteering? Contact NEAIR.