NEAIR Member Benefits by Type

  Professional  Student Emeritus
 Pricing$90 $45 $0 $0NA
 Access to ListservYESYESYESXX
 Access to Member Resource Database YES YES YESXX
 Attend ConferenceYESYESYESYESX
 Attend Professional Development WebinarsYESYESYESYESYES
 Attend Professional Development WorkshopsYESYESYESXYES*
 Eligible for Distinguished Service AwardYESXYESXX
 Eligible for Emeritus MembershipYESXNAXX
 Eligible for Grant OpportunitiesYESYESXXX
 Eligible for Nomination for Elected PositionsYESXXXX
 Hold Committee, ad hoc Committee, or Volunteer PositionYESYESYESXX
 Present at ConferenceYESYESYESYESX
 Purchase a Sponsorship XXX YESX
 Selling products/services on the listserv X X X XX
 Submit Conference ProposalsYESYESYESYES**YES***
 Vote in NEAIR ElectionsYESYESXXX
Membership dues pertain to the fiscal year in which they are paid, are assigned to the individual, and are not transferable to other individuals; in the event that an individual changes institutions during a membership year, the membership remains with the individual. There is no pro-rating of dues. Membership dues are not refundable. There is a reduced membership fee for Graduate Students. Emeritus Members do not pay dues.

*Non-members pay increased pricing
**Requires a sponsorship of current conference
***If proposal accepted, must become a NEAIR member to present