Procedures for Nominations and Selection


DSA Nomination Form

Please read the following to better understand the nomination process before clicking on the button above to be taken to the DSA Nomination Form:

  1. Members of NEAIR will submit nominations to the president of the Association by March 1 using the official nomination form and providing supporting documentation as requested.
  2. The president or designee will obtain whatever additional information on the nominee is necessary and prepare materials for distribution to the Steering Committee.
  3. The Steering Committee will review the nominations and vote to select one or none of the nominees each year. Selection requires an affirmative vote by two thirds of the Steering Committee members officially convened in person at the spring meeting, and physically present for the vote.
  4. Should a Steering Committee member have nominated or supplied a letter of support for a nominee, s/he shall recuse him/herself from the vote, and any discussion.
  5. The Steering Committee will use the ‘Criteria for Award’ specifications to inform discussion of nominee qualifications.
  6. Notification will be sent to the person(s) sponsoring the successful DSA nomination by the president or designee within two weeks of the SC meeting, and to the nominee, if his/her nomination is known to them.  If necessary, notice will also be sent by the president or designee to the sponsor(s) of nominees who are not selected, and to the nominee, if his/her nomination is known to them, to congratulate them on their nomination, noting that they can be re-nominated in subsequent years.

President, Program and Local Arrangements Chair, and nominee sponsor will work out an appropriate time for the award ceremony during the Annual Meeting. Nominators may be asked to help in presenting award.