PCW Submission Overview

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This Pre-Conference Workshop (PCW) Proposal Overview page outlines the online submission process for PCW submissions.

We recommend creating your responses in a MS Word document and pasting into the online system to prevent losing your work. 

When beginning your submission, NEAIR members please log in to the NEAIR website so your contact information pre-populates into the proposal submission form.

Questions?  Please contact Krisztina Filep, Program Chair, kfilep@umass.edu, or Polly Prewitt-Freilino, Associate Program Chair, pprewitt@mtholyoke.edu.
Deadline to Submit Proposals:  11:59 p.m. EST on Jun 11, 2024
Submit a Pre-Conference Workshop

Workshop Topics and Length

Workshop Topics

  • Assessment, Accountability, Accreditation, and IE
    This topic includes workshop proposals that address assessment, accountability, accreditation, and institutional effectiveness from a variety of perspectives, including theoretical, methodological, and/or practical. May include analysis and/or case studies of unit and program review initiatives, student learning outcomes assessment projects, regional/programmatic accreditation processes, etc.
  • Data, Analytics, and Decision-Making
    This topic area addresses the technical and ethical aspects of provision, manipulation, and investigation of data.  Also included is the application of appropriate data analytics strategies, such as prescriptive analytics, predictive modeling, and the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning, to inform decision making. This area invites workshop proposals about the impact analytics has within a data-informed culture of higher education; implementing and encouraging self-service among the campus community; automation of reporting; and the use of all technologies that support IR, institutional effectiveness, and assessment work.
  • Data Governance and Data Literacy
    This topic focuses on methods, procedures, and tools that ensure accurate, understandable, and usable data. The material can focus on structures for data governance, obtaining buy-in from stakeholders, defining roles in data stewardship and use, data literacy initiatives, etc.
  • Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Social Justice
    This topic focuses on how commitment to student success requires attention to diversity, equity, inclusion, and social justice in all aspects of the institutional enterprise, including the data function. This also encompasses DEISJ efforts broadly (e.g., assessing and improving campus climate, etc.). The topic considers the roles of IR, IE, and Assessment in efforts to ensure that equity, diversity, and inclusion are prioritized in data-informed decision cultures.
  • IR and Assessment Competencies, Leadership, Managing Change and Career Trajectories
    This topic addresses the skills and competencies needed to succeed in the field or higher education, the changing landscape of higher education in general, at institutions, and in IR/IE/Assessment functions, and career pathways of individuals within and outside of IR/IE/Assessment. Professionals at any career level may present on this topic.  Examples include, but are not limited to: effective team/group/committee work; working with difficult personalities (across the organization); effective empowerment and delegation; working for an ineffective leader (“managing up"); coaching/developing leadership skills in self and others; effective communication; setting of boundaries; adapting to changes in the research methods, funding, outcomes; etc.
  • Technologies and Applications
    This topic highlights technologies used in conducting IR/IE studies. The emphasis is on technology and may include a demonstration. Examples include data storage, manipulation, and analysis; dissemination of results (e.g., dashboards, scorecards, fact books); automation of reporting; and other technologies that support IR, institutional effectiveness, and assessment.

Workshop Length

Half day (3 hours, with 15 minute break).

Full day (Two 3 hour sessions, with 15 minute break in each, break for lunch).

Page-By-Page Submission Instructions

The NEAIR PCW proposal submission is an online application process. Outlined below are the questions you will need to complete.

Please complete the following contact information for ALL authors contributing to the proposal.  Enter author/s name, title, work email, and institution correctly and accurately using normal capitalization as this information will be used in program materials.

The author submitting this form will be considered the Point of Contact for all correspondence from the NEAIR Program Chair and will be responsible to sign the Professional Obligations Agreement at the end of the submission form.

If your contact information changes, please update your submission and contact Krisztina Filep, NEAIR Program Chair, kfilep@umass.edu.
Please select the Topic that best fits your submission from the Presentation Topics listed above.

Please select the length that best fits your submission. Proposals may be accepted for an alternate length workshop.
Clearly explain the structure/outline and timeline of the workshop (i.e. what you will present and how the time will be used).
Please provide a minimum of two learning outcomes for participants of your session.

Describe how author experience/knowledge provides experiences and qualifications to present this session. Be specific about the expertise related to the workshop session subject matter (e.g., list other related presentations, publications or work deliverables) rather than general statements about degrees or years in the field.

As clearly and succinctly as possible, describe the minimum level of skills and knowledge an attendee needs to have to actively participate in your workshop. For instance, instead of stating an attendee should have a "working knowledge of Excel", which could mean different things to different people, explicitly list what an attendee should already be able to do in Excel. Some other examples: know the cohort definitions and formulas for calculating retention and graduation rates for IPEDS reporting, experience developing mission statements, goals, and KPIs for non-academic assessment areas, particular software experience (loaded on computer/never opened versus knowing the basics).

Please check the box if this session might be of particular benefit to Newcomers to the field of IR.

  • Minimum number of attendees: specify if there is a minimum number in order to run the workshop. NEAIR may reserve to cancel due to low enrollment that is above this minimum.
  • Laptops: indicate if attendees need to bring a laptop
    • If a laptop is required, indicate what software (and version) needs to be installed, if any, and where it can be obtained.
  • Internet: indicate if internet is required to run this workshop.
    • If internet is required, indicate for what purposes. Note that while general internet will be available, it may not be sufficient for downloading large files, streaming or accessing remote servers.
You will need to agree to the following agreement:

Membership and conference registration: I understand that membership and conference registration are not required in order to submit this proposal. If my proposal is accepted, I and any co-authors who want to present at the conference will join or renew our NEAIR membership and will register for the conference.

Audiovisual: For optimal presentation of my materials, I will save my presentation as a download on my laptop AND on my flash drive. I will bring a laptop, flash drive, and the appropriate connector for an HDMI cord. 

Cancellations: While the NEAIR Workshop Coordinator will work to ensure that all accepted workshop proposals run, they reserve the right to cancel any workshop due to low enrollment or unforeseen circumstances.  

Responsibility to attendees: The NEAIR Workshop Coordinator will send you a list of your workshop registrants two weeks before the event. I understand I am responsible for contacting registrants in advance to remind them to load the required software on to their laptops prior to the workshop, to check and make sure the software opens/works, and to ensure firewalls are configured to allow them to access this software onsite at the conference.

Workshop Preparation: I understand that presenting a workshop involves delivering the material in an engaging manner, which involves practicing my materials, preparing engagement activities, and allowing enough time for Q&A before my workshop ends.  I and any co-presenters promise to deliver an engaging workshop, which is timed appropriately.

If this proposal is accepted, I and my co-presenters understand this is a professional commitment and agree to:  

  • Join NEAIR and register for the conference.  

  • Notify the NEAIR Program Chair by August 16th if I/we cannot keep my/our commitment.

  • Promise to deliver an engaging session by providing time for participants to ask questions and engage with the material.

  • Update my speaker profile and upload presentation materials into the Whova mobile app as directed.

Additionally, as the Point of Contact (POC) for this submission, I will inform all co-authors that in order to present, they are bound by this Presenter Agreement as well.

Workshop Title, Description, Proposal Narrative, Upload Files

Workshop Title: Please provide a title for your proposal.
Our program signage may limit the length of titles to 54 characters including spaces. Your title should succinctly reflect workshop content. Conference registrants appreciate seeing at a glance the emphasis of the workshop.

Workshop Description: 200 word limit.
Please provide a concise workshop description, which includes two intended learning outcomes itemized earlier and identifies your intended audience (sector, skill level, and level of practitioner).

Workshop Proposal Narractive: 800 word limit.
Please describe your proposed workshop by stating a current need and:
1) How this workshop will provide professional development in develop skills/content to address this
2) Relevance and importance of your research to the field of IR/IE/Assessment, e.g., new or improved ideas /practices for advancing our profession.

OPTIONAL:  Submit Supporting Documents
Please merge any supporting documents accompanying your online proposal submission and upload as ONE PDF file. Note that this uploaded file is not to be a restatement of your proposal content collected throughout this web form and all identifiers should be removed. Uploading supporting documents is not required.
Review your entries for all proposal questions.  If you need to edit any responses/selection, use the back button to go back to a previous page.
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