On and Off Broadway Information

Star Power…   
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For those in the New York City area: The best way to obtain tickets without service charges is to go directly to the box office [but not during curtain time].
If you don’t mind paying the service fees: http://in.ticketmaster.com/broadway/?tm_link=tm_arts_n2
For those who want discounted tickets and are willing to take what’s available on the day-of-the-show, the TKTS booth in Times Square is your best option from 3-7PM the same day. [Info on how this works: https://www.tdf.org/nyc/7/TKTS-ticket-booths; Examples of available shows can be found at https://www.tdf.org/nyc/81/TKTS-Live
Just a side note for anyone who plans to be at the Westin before or after the conference and wants to catch a show.  The South Street Seaport TKTS booth is closer to Jersey City and usually has no line (although the lines are part of the experience). South Street Seaport TKTS is especially good if you are looking for matinee tickets which can be purchased there a day in advance.
A reputable source for tickets to some discounted shows:  http://www.broadwaybox.com/.
There are also options for rush tickets and ticket lotteries. If this is interesting to you, please check individual show websites.
NOTE: Don’t expect to get tickets to “Hamilton” or “Dear Evan Hansen” without a lot of planning and a lot of bucks.
Check back soon for more JC and NYC things to see and do!