2024 Call for Proposals

Welcome to the 2024 Call for Proposals for NEAIR's 51st Conference to be held in Newport, Rhode Island, on November 16-19.    

We are excited to have you share your expertise, learn new things, meet old friends, make some new ones and further cultivate a culture of inspiration, camaraderie, and support as we chart the course for the next 50 years! From visions for the future, leading and working through change, challenges in higher education, population shifts and labor market challenges to technology, data governance, data stories, equity, inclusion, AI and beyond, our members and institutions face many difficulties and often without a blueprint. IR/IE practitioners have always had the data and knowledge to be uniquely positioned to help shape the future.

Thank you for your interest in submitting a proposal, and we know you will have much to share regarding our theme of InspIRe, AspIRe - Building a Community for the next 50 years as well as other topics relevant to IR, IE and Assessment professionals:

  • Assessment, Accountability, Accreditation and IE
  • Data, Analytics, and Decision-Making
  • Data Governance and Data Literacy
  • Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Social Justice
  • IR and Assessment Competencies, Leadership, Managing Change and Career Trajectories

We will be accepting speaker, panel and discussion sessions as well as poster presentations.

We are also looking for pre-conference workshop proposals! In particular, we are looking for workshops on assessment, any technical tools (R, Tableau, etc.), statistical methods, anything of relevance to our members for a deeper dive.

The Call for Proposals is now open and will close on June 11. All proposals for the conference and pre-conference workshops are peer reviewed, and selection is determined by the Program Chair and Associate Program Chair. Information about the topics, session types and submission instructions can be found by clicking on the links below.


Proposal Submission OverviewPre-Conference Workshop Submission Overview
Submit a ProposalSubmit a Pre-Conference Workshop

Key Dates

Call for Proposals Opens April 16, 2024
AIR ForumMay 28-31, 2024
Proposal Submission deadlineJune 11, 2024
Proposal Reviews June 17 - July 5, 2024
Program Chair ReviewsJuly 2024
Proposal Status Notifications July 31, 2024
Revisions to Accepted ProposalsAugust 16, 2024
Program & PAAG Posted on webAugust 30, 2024
Conference Registration OpensSeptember 5, 2024
NEAIR Conference Early-Bird DeadlineOctober 16, 2024
NEAIR ConferenceNovember 16-19, 2024

Questions? Please contact Krisztina Filep, NEAIR Program Chair, kfilep@umass.edu; or Polly Prewitt-Freilino, NEAIR Associate Program Chair, pprewitt@mtholyoke.edu.